Dory Parisi

Dory Parisi also runs our Homeless Outreach ministry. This is how it all started: "I have lived in Austin most of my life. In 1999, for a college speech class, we had to choose an issue, research it, and do a speech about it for our final exam. I chose homelessness in Austin. I focused on the youth, the many issues facing them, and programs available to help them. It made an impact on me how many people in this town were affected. Over the years I have helped them out as I could and am so thankful to now get to lead the Homeless Outreach at Southwest!"
Wendy Brown

Wendy Brown has been a member of SWCC since 1996. She is a native Austinite but has lived in five other states and two cities in Germany. She is also involved in our Prayer and Women's Ministry.
Amy Reed

Amy Reed has been a member of Southwest Christian since 1998. She has made short-term mission trips to Haiti, South America, and 6 months at a mission hospital in the bush in Zimbabwe, East Africa. Amy is an RN working part-time at South Austin Hospital, the mother of two boys, and the daughter-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. Reed. She also serves with her husband Kenny, as a lead singer on our praise and worship team. Over the last several years, Amy has been a tireless advocate for the children of Safina House, an orphanage in Dodoma, Tanzania, East Africa, and is also the leader of our Prayer Ministry.
Rolando Rivera

Rolando Rivera came to Christ in 1995. Born in Texas but raised in Florida, Rolando became very involved in his church serving in the Men's Ministry and leading mission trips. He began taking groups to Parramos, Chimaltenango, Guatemala up until 2016 when his family moved to Austin, TX. Rolando and his wife Rita have three beautiful children, Micah, Lauren, and Leah.