As men of God, we desire to put God first in all that we do as we strive to lead our families in a God-honoring way. It’s not always easy and sometimes sharing time with other men walking a similar path is not just helpful, but necessary. Southwest's Men's Ministry is dedicated to providing Godly fellowship and growth opportunities for all men. Join us this week!
Get INvolved
Weekly Bible Study - Sunday's @ 9:30am
Join us each Sunday as we gather and dig into God's word. It's a great time of study and prayer as we explore ways to walk more faithfully with Jesus on a daily basis.
Monthly Men's Breakfast
On the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 am the men of Southwest Christian Church gather together to pray, encourage one another, and fellowship around good food and God's Word. All men are free to join and an RSVP is not necessary.
Join us each Sunday as we gather and dig into God's word. It's a great time of study and prayer as we explore ways to walk more faithfully with Jesus on a daily basis.
Monthly Men's Breakfast
On the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 am the men of Southwest Christian Church gather together to pray, encourage one another, and fellowship around good food and God's Word. All men are free to join and an RSVP is not necessary.
Ministry contact

Paul Diaz, Jr.
Paul Diaz, Jr. is passionate about reaching out to those who have missed out on a relationship with God, helping them to see that God created them for a purpose and that joy is found when our lives begin to resemble what God had intended all along.
Paul Diaz, Jr. is passionate about reaching out to those who have missed out on a relationship with God, helping them to see that God created them for a purpose and that joy is found when our lives begin to resemble what God had intended all along.
The Southwest's Women's Ministry is so glad you are here! We exist to encourage one another and provide a community of women who are strong, dignified, and, most importantly, love God. Our mission is based on Proverbs 31:25 and our intent is to live reflecting a similar strength, dignity, and fearless attitude as we seek to step into what God has for us.
"She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." – Proverbs 31:25
"She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." – Proverbs 31:25
Weekly Bible Study - Sunday @ 9:30am
Each Sunday morning Barbara Dobbs lead us in a deep dive into God's Word. This time of prayer, friendship, and study is a great way to get to know other women and our Lord on a deeper level.
Monthly Gathering
On the 4th Saturday of each month from 8:30-10am, all women, ages 18 and up, are invited to join together at the church building for a time of breakfast and Bible Study.
Annual Women's Ministry Conference
Each fall the Women's Ministry hosts a retreat. The theme is different every year, but always promises to provide opportunities to connect with each other and God in a profound way.
Each Sunday morning Barbara Dobbs lead us in a deep dive into God's Word. This time of prayer, friendship, and study is a great way to get to know other women and our Lord on a deeper level.
Monthly Gathering
On the 4th Saturday of each month from 8:30-10am, all women, ages 18 and up, are invited to join together at the church building for a time of breakfast and Bible Study.
Annual Women's Ministry Conference
Each fall the Women's Ministry hosts a retreat. The theme is different every year, but always promises to provide opportunities to connect with each other and God in a profound way.

Karrie Cerda - Ministry Leader
Woman of God — you are strong. You are unique. You have purpose. Jesus loves you and you're not reading this by accident. Email me if you need a friend or come by a service, a Bible study, or a gathering for a visit. I am praying for you. God bless and see you soon.
Woman of God — you are strong. You are unique. You have purpose. Jesus loves you and you're not reading this by accident. Email me if you need a friend or come by a service, a Bible study, or a gathering for a visit. I am praying for you. God bless and see you soon.