Southwest Christian Church Student Ministry exists to RESTORE students to a relationship with Jesus Christ, GROW students by teaching them what it means to live a godly life in Christ, and SEND students out into the community to live out their faith. Everything we do with our students starts with scripture! We believe that when our students know the truth of scripture, they can live out what they believe in each new context that God calls them. What does that look like? In our time together, we are constantly challenging our students to understand the difference between cultural assumptions and biblical truths, encouraging them to embrace the calling of God in their lives, and building in them a foundation of faith in Christ that will be able to withstand the struggles that they will face as adults.
Weekly Meetings

Youth Group
Students from 8th to 12th grade meet directly after church service at 11:45a – 1:30p, where we share a meal together, learn a bible lesson, and end with fellowship and game time. We discuss every topic under the sun, through the lens of faith in Christ, and are always growing in our knowledge of God, together.. Students are encouraged to worship with their families during our 10:30a service of worship.
We meet for our Wednesday night class at 6:30p—8:00p. Students from 5th to 12th grade are invited to join us for a time that is a little more flexible than our Sunday meetings. Our Wednesday are sometimes a Socratic-style discussion that applies the truths that we learned on Sundays, sometimes a how-to guide for the practices of the faith (service, prayer, fasting, compassion, listening, discernment, ect.), and quarterly we have game nights on Wednesdays where we transform part of the church into a field for games!
Students from 8th to 12th grade meet directly after church service at 11:45a – 1:30p, where we share a meal together, learn a bible lesson, and end with fellowship and game time. We discuss every topic under the sun, through the lens of faith in Christ, and are always growing in our knowledge of God, together.. Students are encouraged to worship with their families during our 10:30a service of worship.
We meet for our Wednesday night class at 6:30p—8:00p. Students from 5th to 12th grade are invited to join us for a time that is a little more flexible than our Sunday meetings. Our Wednesday are sometimes a Socratic-style discussion that applies the truths that we learned on Sundays, sometimes a how-to guide for the practices of the faith (service, prayer, fasting, compassion, listening, discernment, ect.), and quarterly we have game nights on Wednesdays where we transform part of the church into a field for games!
CIY Youth Summer Camp 2024
Preteen Group
Students from 5th to 7th Grade gather during our church service time at 10:30a, where we share a time of worship with the larger body of the congregation, learn a biblical lesson, and have fun playing games and our Nintendo Switch. Our time together is focused on nailing down the essential truths of the Bible, i.e. who is Jesus Christ, who are we, what is faith, what does the bible teach us, how can we live as Christians?
We meet together with the youth group at from 6:30p to 8:00p to grow in fellowship and our knowledge of God. Our Wednesday are sometimes a Socratic-style discussion that applies the truths that we learned on Sundays, sometimes a how-to guide for the practices of the faith (service, prayer, fasting, compassion, listening, discernment, ect.), and quarterly we have game nights on Wednesdays where we transform part of the church into a field for games!
Students from 5th to 7th Grade gather during our church service time at 10:30a, where we share a time of worship with the larger body of the congregation, learn a biblical lesson, and have fun playing games and our Nintendo Switch. Our time together is focused on nailing down the essential truths of the Bible, i.e. who is Jesus Christ, who are we, what is faith, what does the bible teach us, how can we live as Christians?
We meet together with the youth group at from 6:30p to 8:00p to grow in fellowship and our knowledge of God. Our Wednesday are sometimes a Socratic-style discussion that applies the truths that we learned on Sundays, sometimes a how-to guide for the practices of the faith (service, prayer, fasting, compassion, listening, discernment, ect.), and quarterly we have game nights on Wednesdays where we transform part of the church into a field for games!