Since the inception of Southwest in 1959, it has always been our first priority to foster an environment where all can experience authentic worship of our God with joy and explore the wonders of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Each Sunday we worship in a contemporary style and the message will always remain biblically focused, practical, challenging, and uplifting. Central to our meeting time is communion, which is celebrated weekly. We believe Communion is our Lord's invitation to His table and is, therefore, open to all who love Him and wish to honor Him in this way, all are welcome to partake of this communion at Southwest Christian. We hope you will join us with Christians throughout the world in the worship of our amazing God!
Sunday Bible Studies – 9:30 am
Each week we offer discussion-based small group classes. Our current classes are men, women, and children. Our goal during this time is to provide in-depth studies and give our people opportunities to ask questions and dig deeper into God's Word. These studies are open for anyone to join at any time. The adult class meets in the youth room, the women's class meets in the cry room, and the children's class meets in the 3rd and 4th-grade classroom.
Worship Service – 10:30 am
Before worship, you are welcome to get a free cup of coffee in the lobby and meet other folks. As you enter the worship center, you'll be greeted and handed a bulletin. We usually start with an upbeat song with our praise band and singers and follow with a few more songs. We also serve communion every Sunday that is open to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ, we share in an offering time (visiting guests may, but are not expected to contribute) and one of our Pastors teaches from the Bible for about half an hour. Occasionally we have a solo, video, or other special presentation that deals with the week's topic. In all, the total length of this worship time is about an hour. During this time, our hope is that our guests will truly feel at home and comfortable among friends. Children's programming is offered during this service time.