Youth Summer Trip

Youth and Preteen Summer Trip 2022

We are very excited to give our kids an opportunity of a lifetime. At our summer trip in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains, the students will connect with God in an intimate way that only a mountaintop experience can provide. The activities that will be offered to our students include a whitewater rafting excursion on the Arkansas River, a challenging, multi-story ropes course,  rappelling on a shear cliffside, and the opportunity to take in the views from one of North America's tallest peaks. We want the kids to have fun and be challenged to step outside of their comfort zone, but what is most important to us is their connection with Christ. So every day will be centered around a biblical truths that remind us that God doesn't just want us to survive but to THRIVE! Our lessons and devotional time will bring together timeless stories from God's word and the environments that our students exist in everyday so that they will walk away from this trip encouraged and ready to pursue who Jesus is calling them to be! 


When is the trip?

We will leave from the church property at 6 am on June 19th and arrive back in Austin at 10 pm on June 25th. 

Who can come on the trip?

Our trip is available to students from ages 12-18. There is a limit of 17 students because of the limited car space and housing space that we have.

How much is the trip?

The trip will cost $375.00 per student. A $50 deposit is due for any attendee on or before Easter, April 17th. Each student will also be required to bring funds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the two days that we are traveling, June 19th and 25th. Also, each student is encouraged to bring money to tip our tour guides and for any souvenirs that they may wish to buy.

On Sunday April 24th, we will have a fund raiser that is open to the public and our church family to help pay for the cost of camp for each of our participating students. They will participate in a bake sale and silent auction for services that the students have volunteered to do. The generosity of our community makes trips like this doable! The food, supplies, and labor of the fundraiser is always taken care of by our parents so that the students know we are all wanting them to be able to go.

Are there any other requirements to attend?

We would like for all students to attend to know the 66 books of the Bible in order before May 15th, but that is not a mandatory requirement. Learning the books of the Bible can be a fun activity for you and your child(ren) as they prepare for the trip, and we will do our part to support them in this goal during some of our meeting times this Spring. All students that attend will be required to abide by our code of conduct which stipulates that there will be no bullying, fighting, illicit substances, sneaking off, or endangering other students or sponsors. Participation in all of our activities is required during the trip. If a student breaks the code of conduct or refuses to participate in any of our activities they will be sent back to Austin at the expense of their parent or guardian.

Is there going to be a meeting to discuss details and answer my other questions?

Yes, we will meet after church on May 15th to go over all other details of the trip and answer any questions you may have. We will have all of our sign-ups by then, and have a full picture of the money that we raised during our fund-raiser event on the 24th of April by that meeting.

Sign Up to Bring Food for the Fundraiser